WG3 Meeting/Reflective Café in Oslo

June 12

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The event aims to identify good practices and (ethical) challenges in reflecting on activities, working models and services used by professionals working with religiously diverse migrant communities (migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs). This includes the motivation and value-basis of the professionals working with religiously diverse migrant communities and the societal and legal frameworks affecting the day-by-day work (with religious diversity).

COST Action COREnet researchers and practitioners in the field of migration and religious diversity will discuss research ideas and innovative practice models in the field of migration and religious diversity.

The official invitations to COST Action COREnet members for this event are sent out from the e-cost platform. Please do not book travel tickets and accommodation before receiving and accepting an official invitation on the e-cost platform. 

Photo by Oliver Cole on Unsplash


June 12