To ensure that the objectives of the COST Action are achieved, COREnet has established 5 Working Groups (WGs), which are responsible for the specific activities of the Action.
The main aim of WG 1 is to create a comparative meta-analysis in the intersection of migration and religious diversity in Europe over the last decades (including quantitative & qualitative research, studies on the national, regional, and local levels).
Main activity:
Systematic review and meta-analysis of research
The aim of the WG 2 is to discuss migration in relation to religious traditions and non-religious beliefs by using religious texts and narratives. WG is working with narratives on religion and migration from a theological perspective. Also, it is working with locally based narrative cafés about everyday narratives on religion and migration. The narratives will be collected and (anonymised) communicated through digital platforms and analysed together with stakeholders.
Main activities:The WG 3 focuses on developing new, participative research methods to design practice-oriented research projects together with stakeholders at the grassroots on handling migrants and religious diversity, together with PhDs and ECIs. The WG will create local bottom-up pilot projects and aims at developing proposals for external funding.
Main activities:The WG 4 focuses on analysing research and empirical material from a gender and age perspective. It is working with webinars that include external researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders. Lists of age and gender topics will be developed for the analyses in WG 1-3. The results from WG 1-3 will be included in the intersectional analysis done by this WG.
Main activities:The main aim of WG 5 is to take responsibility for the communication and sharing of information between all of the action’s stakeholders: academics, researchers, practitioners, policymakers, journalists and the general public. To facilitate this, WG 5 aims to establish and manage a digital platform (action website), narrative cafés, practice-orientated research projects and webinars, as well as to develop proactive strategies to connect with other networks and conferences.
Main activities: