The COST Action COREnet invited PhD students, young researchers and innovators from various countries to gain new knowledge and experience in the training school “Researching Migration and Religious Diversity: Theories, Methods and Practices.” The training school will be held in Kaunas, Lithuania on 29 June – 3 July 2022.
This training school is organized by the COREnet and Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). It aims to provide early-career researchers (PhDs, postdocs, and researchers up to 40 years old) with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of migration and religious diversity field and highlight research and practice-based knowledge from international trainers to present best practices to international trainees and to increase the knowledge in the field as well as to learn how to apply it in preparation of practice-oriented research.
The 4-day programme is packed with interactive discussions, interesting lectures, practical workshops, and social events. One of the activities will include a visit to social service center in Jonava city where training school participants will be able to have a discussion with officers helping to integrate refugees and migrants to Lithuania.
The international team of trainers and invited speakers will consist of researchers whose research areas include religious diversity and migration, religion, gender and politics, or psychology of migration and religion: prof. Annette Leis-Peters (Norway), Dr. Olena Panych (Ukraine), Prof. Mar Griera (Spain), prof. Halina Grzymala-Mosczynska (Poland), prof. Milda Ališauskienė (Lithuania), Dr. Karolis Žibas (Lithuania), Dr. Aleksandar Nacev (North Macedonia), Prof. Adam Dinham (UK), and prof. Tuomas Martikainen (Finland).
We look forward to welcoming the young researchers to this training school and hope they will gain new knowledge, expand networking, and strengthen their skills in the field of religious diversity and migration studies.
The call for this Training school and further information can be found here.