Archives: Publications
Country of publication: Finland
Ruth Illman, Kimmo Ketola, Riitta Latvio & Jussi Sohlberg (eds.) (2017) Monien uskontojen ja katsomusten Suomi. Helsinki. Kirkon tutkimuskeskus.
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Country of publication: Germany
Mafaalani, A. el-, 2020. Das Integrationsparadox: warum gelungene Integration zu mehr Konflikten führt, Vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuausgabe, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln.
Perl, G., Schmitz, A., Ludwig, S., Jakob, J., 2023. Integration und Teilhabe Perspektiven von Geflüchteten, ehrenamtlich Engagierten und hauptamtlich Tätigen in Trier und Umgebung. Trier.
Mualem Sultan, M., Friedrichs, N., Weiss, K., 2019. Anerkannte Partner – unbekannte Größe? Migrantenorganisationen in der deutschen Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Berlin.
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Country of publication: Germany
Baumann, M., Nagel, A.-K., 2023. Religion und Migration, 1. Auflage. ed, Studienkurs Religion. Nomos, Baden-Baden.
Etzelmüller, G., Rammelt, C. (Eds.), 2022. Migrationskirchen: Internationalisierung und Pluralisierung des Christentums vor Ort. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig.
Foroutan, N., 2023. Es wäre einmal deutsch: über die postmigrantische Gesellschaft. Ch. Links Verlag, Berlin.
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Country of publication: United Kingdom
Kerem Morgül, Osman Savaşkan, Identity or interests? Religious conservatives’ attitudes toward Syrian refugees in Turkey, Migration Studies, Volume 9, Issue 4, December 2021, Pages 1645–1672,
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Country of publication: Poland
Grzymała-Moszczyńska, H., Hay, D., Krotofil J. ( 2011), Between Universalism and ethnic particularism: Polish Migrants to the United Kingdom Perspective from the Psychology of Religion. Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny, , 37, 1, 139,223-326.
Ališauskienė,M., Grzymała-Moszczyńska, H., Jacek Prusak, J., Zrinščak ,S. ( 2025). Does Roman Catholicism matter? Queer migration in Croatia, Lithuania, and Poland. Submitted for publication in Journal for Society, Religion and Culture .
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Country of publication: Norway
Eriksen, S. S. Storstein Haug, K., Hatleskog, A. B., Ryndyk, O. & Ludwig, F. (2023), «I min Fars hus er det mange rom». Kristne migranter i møte med Den norske kirke [In my father’s house, there are many rooms. Christian migrants encountering the Church of Norway), Stavanger: VID Specialized University,
Stiftelsen Kirkens Bymisjon (2016), Utsatte migranter og prekære arbeids- og levekår i Oslo. En erfaringsrapport fra Kirkens Bymisjons arbeid med nye brukergrupper [Vulnerable migrants and precarious working and living conditions in Oslo. A experience-based report of the Church City Mission with new user groups], Oslo: Kirkens bymisjon,
Lingaas, C., Haugland, B. & Skjeggestad, E. (2020), Menn utsatt for tvangsarbeid i Norge : en rapport om deres erfaringer og juridiske situasjon [Men facing forced labour in Norway. A report about their experiences and juridical situation], Oslo VID Specialized University,
Djuve A.B., Friberg J.H., Tyldum G., Zhang H. (2015). When Poverty Meets Affluence: Migrants from Romania on the Streets of the Scandinavian Capitals. Fafo and The Rockwool Foundation 8799638401,
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Country of publication: Norway
Astrid Espegren, Ivar Eimhjellen, Rune Ervik, Eugene Guribye og Tord Skogedal Lindén (2019) Samarbeid mellom offentlig, privat og frivillig sektor i gjennomføringen av introduksjonsprogrammet, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, ISBN: 978-82-8408-021-5
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Country of publication: Norway
Sabine Wollscheid, Ragnar Alne, Ann Cecilie Bergene, Henrik Karlstrøm and Lone Wanderås Fossum (2022) Effects of Racism and Discrimination on Labor Market Integration: A Knowledge Overview, NIFU,