Archives: Publications
Transnationale Migrationsbewegungen als Thema der Praktischen Theologie
Andrea Bieler (2019). “Transnationale Migrationsbewegungen als Thema der Praktischen Theologie.“ In Michael-Meyer Blanck (ed.). Europa als Thema der Theologie. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 618-630.
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Does Roman Catholicism matter? Queer migration in Croatia, Lithuania, and Poland
Ališauskienė,M., Grzymała-Moszczyńska, H., Jacek Prusak, J., Zrinščak ,S. ( 2025). Does Roman Catholicism matter? Queer migration in Croatia, Lithuania, and Poland. Submitted for publication in Journal for Society, Religion and Culture .
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Everyday nationhood and religion in the context of migration: The case of Lithuanian Catholics in Norway. Nations and Nationalism
Kesylytė-Allix, Eglė. 2024. Everyday nationhood and religion in the context of migration: The case of Lithuanian Catholics in Norway. Nations and Nationalism, 30(3), 527–542.
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Minority Religions and Immigration in Ireland
Minority Religions and Immigration in Ireland
February 2024
DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198868699.013.2
In book: The Oxford Handbook of Religion in Modern Ireland
Vladimir Kmec
The Oxford Handbook of Religion in Modern Ireland provides in-depth analysis of the relationships between religion, society, politics, and everyday life on the island of Ireland from 1800 to the twenty-first century. Taking a chronological and all-island approach, it explores the complex and changing role of religion both before and after partition of the island. It addresses long-standing historical and political debates about religion, identity, and politics, including religion’s contributions to division and violence on the island. It also offers perspectives on the relationship of religion with education, the media, law, gender and sexuality, science, literature, and memory; considers how everyday religious practices have intersected with the institutional structures of Catholicism and Protestantism; and analyses the island’s increasing religious diversity, including the rise of those with ‘no religion’. Written by leading scholars in the field and emerging researchers with new perspectives, the Handbook is authoritative and up to date, offering a wide-ranging and comprehensive analysis of the enduring significance of religion on the island.
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Ireland and immigration: The facts – how many men, women and children, where are they coming from and which counties are housing them?
Ireland and immigration: The facts – how many men, women and children, where are they coming from and which counties are housing them? 13 January 2024. Irish Independent.
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Anerkannte Partner – unbekannte Größe? Migrantenorganisationen in der deutschen Einwanderungsgesellschaft
Mualem Sultan, M., Friedrichs, N., Weiss, K., 2019. Anerkannte Partner – unbekannte Größe? Migrantenorganisationen in der deutschen Einwanderungsgesellschaft. Berlin.
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Integration und Teilhabe Perspektiven von Geflüchteten, ehrenamtlich Engagierten und hauptamtlich Tätigen in Trier und Umgebung
Perl, G., Schmitz, A., Ludwig, S., Jakob, J., 2023. Integration und Teilhabe Perspektiven von Geflüchteten, ehrenamtlich Engagierten und hauptamtlich Tätigen in Trier und Umgebung. Trier.
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Reshaped roles of faith-based actors toward refugees in the Balkan corridor phase and its aftermath
Župarić-Iljić, D. (2020) Reshaped roles of faith-based actors toward refugees in the Balkan corridor phase and its aftermath. In: M. C. Jacobsen, E. B. Gebre and D. Župarić-Iljić (eds.) Cosmopolitanism, Migration and Universal Human Rights. Springer.
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When Poverty Meets Affluence: Migrants from Romania on the Streets of the Scandinavian Capitals
Djuve A.B., Friberg J.H., Tyldum G., Zhang H. (2015). When Poverty Meets Affluence: Migrants from Romania on the Streets of the Scandinavian Capitals. Fafo and The Rockwool Foundation 8799638401,