Early-career researchers in Vienna discussed religious and non-religious narratives on migration

Jul 20, 2023

COREnet PhD Summer School 2023, “Religious and Non-Religious Narratives on Migration”, was held at the University of Vienna on July 12-16. The aim of a 5-day event, organised by COREnet and Vienna Doctoral School for Theology and Religious Studies, was to provide early career researchers (PhDs and postdocs, and researchers up to 40 years old) with the opportunity to discuss and deepen their knowledge and understanding of interdisciplinary research on religious and non-religious narratives on migration.

A diverse group of 18 early-career researchers and nine professors from Estonia, Spain, Lithuania, Georgia, Turkey, Portugal, the UK, Albania, Poland, Serbia, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Israel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Iceland and South Africa attended the School. Participants represented diverse academic disciplines, such as sociology, political studies, cultural studies, social anthropology, religious studies, legal studies, Christian and Islamic theology, Jewish studies, etc. The participants’ diverse contexts and disciplinary backgrounds allowed them to delve deeper into religious and non-religious narratives on migration and reflect on different perspectives on the topic.

During the School, participants had the opportunity to discuss their research projects with the professors and clarify methodological and conceptual challenges in exploring narratives on migration. In addition to the valuable lectures by the professors, the COREnet Summer School participants enjoyed interesting social events. They met representatives from the Church Pedagogical Highschool Vienna-Krems and Islamic Religious Community in Austria. Also, they had the opportunity to visit the Alevit Community,  meet young migrants and visit ethnic museum.

The video about the School is here.

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