WG3 Meeting/Reflective Café in Rome

September 27, 2024

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The Reflective Café event is designed in line with the COST Action COREnet and its WG3 expected outcomes. The aim is to organize meetings focused on the exchange of innovative and participative methods while systematically mapping local responses and practitioners’ work with communities of forced migration and religious diversity.

The project includes informal meetings using the World Café format (focus group discussions) to collect insightful information directly from professionals working with religiously diverse migrant communities (refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs) in four COST Action countries: Norway, Italy, Croatia, and the Netherlands. The planned outcomes of these meetings are joint articles co-authored by WG3 members representing different countries.

The official invitations to COST Action COREnet members for this event are sent out from the e-cost platform. Please do not book travel tickets and accommodation before receiving and accepting an official invitation on the e-cost platform. 

Photo by Francesco Maria Achille on Unsplash


September 27, 2024