The first Reflective Café was held in Oslo

Jun 14, 2024

The first COST Action COREnet Reflective Café was held in Oslo, Norway, on June 12, 2024. It was organized in cooperation with the VID Specialized University and aimed to identify good practices and challenges faced by professionals working with religiously diverse migrant communities spanning from Ukraine to the Middle East and Africa.

COREnet researchers Prof. Annette Leis-Peters (VID Specialized University), Prof. Kees de Groot (Tilburg School of Catholic Theology), Dr. Linnea Lundgren (Marie Cederschiöld University), Dr. Anita Lunić (University of Split), PhD Candidate Goda Cicenaite (University of Iceland), and Mateus Schweyher (VID Specialized University) met with practitioners from “The Church City Mission” and two other local non-profit organizations working with migrants from various different religious backgrounds. 

During the discussion, the Reflective Café participants shared about various innovative practices they apply and challenges they face while working with religiously diverse migrant communities (migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and IDPs). This includes various activities, working models, services, the motivation and value bases of professionals, and the societal and legal frameworks affecting day-to-day work (with religious diversity).

Currently, COREnet researchers are working with focus group interview data. Within a few months, we will share the key findings of this event, highlighting the good practices and challenges faced by professionals working with religiously diverse migrant communities.  

The upcoming COREnet Reflective Cafés will be conducted in the Netherlands, Croatia, and Italy. More information about these Reflective cafés will be shared soon. 

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