WG3 Meeting/Reflective Café in Zagreb

October 4

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This event and research is designed in accordance with the COST Action CA20107, Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity (COREnet).

The overall objective of the event is to identify good practices and (ethical) challenges in reflecting on activities, working models, and services used by professionals working with religiously diverse migrant communities (refugees, asylum seekers, IDPs).

The objective will be reflected through designed research questions related to (but not limited to):

  • practical experiences and day-by-day consideration of religious diversity in the work of professionals supporting people of forced migration,
  • moral motivation and value-basis of the professionals working with religiously diverse migrant communities,
  • societal and legal frameworks affecting the day-by-day consideration of religious diversity.

The data is collected in 4 countries (Norway, Italy, Croatia, and the Netherlands). The countries have been preselected to second the overall objective of the project and to reflect on the variety of responses to the migration challenges in different countries (first responders, support of social inclusion and acculturation, long-term displacement, religious tradition of migrants in host countries, etc.).

The official invitations to this event are sent out from the e-cost platform. Please do not book travel tickets and accommodation before receiving and accepting an official invitation on the e-cost platform.

Photo by Kristijan Arsov on Unsplash


October 4


University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia (Local Name: Hrvatska)